To sumarize, a brilliant festival with amazing line-up, big surprises, discoveries, and also disapointments...
So, without further ado, the reviews: Day one
My Chemical Romance didn't look very serious, with their goth teenage girl-dedicated show. In the same vein, the belgian band Zornik was more interresting. If only because they are Belgian...
On the small stage, Air Trafic is one of these UK bands that are fairly anonymous at home but has taken up on the continent. Hints of Keane, Coldplay and the like. Absolutely nothing original, but nice music.
They were followed by Air, who confirmed that apart from the "Virgin Suicides" soundtrack, all they make is elevator music. Yerk!
The real stuff started on the main stage with Marilyn Manson, who seemed really pissed off (he took a good 5 minutes between each songs, ann kept changing T-shirts), and had sound problems. That being said, great show! Visually a treat, with his knife-shaped mic, candles and all that. I even touched the guy as he joined the crowd for Beautiful People!
Bjork followed, and I must say I was impressed! In a golden costume, she was acompagned on stage by dancers with brass instruments, a drummer and two guys makling weird electronic sounds. And it works! I never really like her music, mostly because of her voice that makes me cringe, but there the massive bass and techno rythms took me. A must see!
And then, Muse. A great show, as usual, but because it was nothing compared to the Park des Princes gig I ended up a little disapointed. Ah well...
I'm sure Matt Bellamy asked for fireworks, but Metallica got them instead :)
Quite likely...
Which is a good thing actually! It means he still have something to look up to! Otherwise he might get bored, playing the biggest stadiums in the world...
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