And this is definitely Manson's quietest album to date. They have always showed both a Indie side as well as a Metal side, but here the only trace of Metal left is Manson's rough voice. All the rest flirts with proper Goth (If I Was your Vampire), or with Prog-Rock (the last song, Eat Me, Drink Me). Even the guitar sound (especially the riff in the single, Heart-Shaped glasses) could be out of a Bloc Party album.
To be honest I am not a big fan of Metal, and have always preferred the more Indie side of Manson, in songs like The Nobodies or Coma White. So this direction in the new album doesn't bother me at all.
What is slightly irritating though is that as you listen to the album, every songs sounds vaguely familiar. Here the bass sounds like Big White World, there the vocal melody reminds of Tourniquet...
It seems that when in previous albums Manson was looking for influences in many directions (Burlesque Germany, electronica...) here he simply tries to make some Manson. So sure it works, songs are catchy and well-written, so a Manson's fan will be happy. But there is nothing new there, and I doubt that he will reach a new audience with such an album...
Watch the video for Heart-Shaped Glasses (It is supposed to be over-18 only, but I can't really see why to be honest):
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