Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Fluids, Monto Water Rats Theatre, 19-05-07

First things first, the venue.

Let's say it straight away: the Mono Water Rats Theatre is probably the worst place for gigs I have ever been to. And I have been to a lot.
From the outside, it looks like the average Clapham club, with its fair share of bouncers and miniskirts. Inside it is nothing like a theatre either: just a pretencious bar with velvet curtains to justify the expensive pints.
Also worth mentioning: Entrance to the gig was £8, a lot even to London standards. Not that I have a problem with that per se, but I would be curious to know how much did the bands actually see of that money. It felt more like a "No Student" fee than anything else.

Things got worse when I entered the back of the bar, where the stage is: The band playing (sorry I didn't catch the name and couldn't find listings afterward) was plain dull. Think the Beach Boys bored like hell. Ehr!
I left after two songs, It was really that bad. If someone recognise them from that picture, please let me know who they are, so that I do not see them again by mistake.
Strangely enough, they had a lot of people cheering them, and they all left right after the band finished. You see the spirit...

Fortunately, The Fluids rescued the night. I happen to know the bassist's cousin so I may not be 100% honest about them, but if they were rubbish I would say it. And rubbish they are not. My god what a singer!
To get an idea of what they are like, think Skunk Anansie (They did play a fantastic cover of Hedonism...) but with a hot blonde instead of Skin. Not bad, hey? Ness, the singer, really has one of the strongest voice I have heard in a while. All they lack to really get somewere, in my opinion, are the fantastic riffs Anansie were precisely known for...

In bonus, here is a video of the last song they played, Falling Away. Sorry for the crappy sound...

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