Let's say it straight away: the Mono Water Rats Theatre is probably the worst place for gigs I have ever been to. And I have been to a lot.
From the outside, it looks like the average Clapham club, with its fair share of bouncers and miniskirts. Inside it is nothing like a theatre either: just a pretencious bar with velvet curtains to justify the expensive pints.
Also worth mentioning: Entrance to the gig was £8, a lot even to London standards. Not that I have a problem with that per se, but I would be curious to know how much did the bands actually see of that money. It felt more like a "No Student" fee than anything else.
I left after two songs, It was really that bad. If someone recognise them from that picture, please let me know who they are, so that I do not see them again by mistake.
Strangely enough, they had a lot of people cheering them, and they all left right after the band finished. You see the spirit...
To get an idea of what they are like, think Skunk Anansie (They did play a fantastic cover of Hedonism...) but with a hot blonde instead of Skin. Not bad, hey? Ness, the singer, really has one of the strongest voice I have heard in a while. All they lack to really get somewere, in my opinion, are the fantastic riffs Anansie were precisely known for...
In bonus, here is a video of the last song they played, Falling Away. Sorry for the crappy sound...
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