Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Am I getting old???

This week-end I went to see "Factory Girl", the movie about Andy Warhol's muse Edie Sedgwick (by the way, the movie is OK: The guy who plays Warhol is excellent, Sienna Miller is not too bad, but the bloke playing Bob Dylan is just awful)

But then, thinking about it, I realised that in the next few month I am hoping to go see Bob Dylan, Lou Reed and Patti Smith play. And that these artists started their career even before I was born!

Maybe it is because it will soon be a quarter of a century that I am around and so I am hypersensitive to the question of age, but I started thinking that maybe I shouldn't go to these and put all my efforts into trying to find the new big things. Young bands that are promissing, not living on their glorious past.

But then again, I am not going to miss Lou Reed play the Berlin album, no way; so I might as well go see the others. Plus I will probably be younger than the audience average for these gigs. It might be good for the ego.

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