Saturday, December 15, 2007

Marilyn Manson @ Wembley Arena

I was late. I was even very late. To be honest, I was not convinced that a band supporting Manson would be of any interest, as in all probabilities it would have been some Trash-Metal band. So I didn't really care, as long as I didn't miss Manson's entrance. And I didn't.

As I walked in the arena, the lights were already down; a veil was covering the stage, and I could see shadows of musicians moving behind, while the eerie sound that introduces "Eat Me, Drink Me" was getting louder. And suddenly, it started: "6am" said Manson, as he began "If I was your Vampire", the veil fell, the guitar played this amazing three-note riff, and the show was on.

And what a show it was! The old classics like "Rock is Dead", "Responsible Teen" and the amazing "Sweet Dreams" drove the crowd mad, while songs that I like less ("Are you the Rabbit", "The Reflecting God") were alway played while something cool was happening on the stage, such as a lap-dance on a giant chair, a raising platform, or press releases from a school shooting appearing in the back... Not to mention the female robot that Manson decapitated during "Heart-Shaped Glasses". Pretty cool!!!

I do regret that he didn't play some of his quieter songs from his previous albums, "Coma White", "Great Big White World" or "The Nobodies". But considering the gig was so short (only 1h 20), he could very well just add these without changing anything. And that, I think, would have turned a great show into one of the best gigs of my life.
Ah well...

The complete setlist is was (courtesy of Lyingonthecovers):
-If I Was Your Vampire
-Disposable Teens
-The Irresponsible Hate Anthem
-Are You The Rabbit?
-Sweet Dreams
-The Fight Song
-Putting Holes In Happiness
-Heart Shapped Glasses
-Rock Is Dead
-The Dope Show
-The Reflecting God
-Antichrist Superstar
-The Beautiful People

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