It is a very nice venue, with a regular pub in the front for a quiet chat and the stage in the back. The stage is a bit small and the sound is not the best I have heard in London, but there was a good crowd (most likely because it was a Saturday...)
According to the program, the bands that night were :
- Wireless
- Escobar
- Version 88
- Revolution
We arrived late so I missed Wireless, but the guys are nice and gave me a demo CD. I haven't listened to it yet, but I must say I'm not really impressed by what I heard on their MySpace. They are playing around a lot it seems, twice in London in the next two month. Maybe the occasion to go see them...
Escobar were definitely an interesting band. They have a dark sound and interesting lyrics. The singer's voice is quite unusual as well. Their stage presence could be improved I think, although they got better for the last few songs.
They will be playing a few dates in Birmingham, where they are from, and are definitely worth checking out.
Version 88, well, I didn't see them. And I have no idea why. Did they end up playing before Escobar, so I arrived too late? Or did they cancel the gig? Or more simply, was I busy chatting with my friend in the pub part and skipped them? Who knows...
The song that they have on their MySpace is definitely not my type though, too Bluesy for me. So no regrets there.
Finally, Revolution closed the night. Now, that was an interesting band.
First of all, the singer is really ugly. And it seems he knows it, and doesn't give a frog's ball. Which is very good. I am tired of these all-looks bands.
Second of all, damn they are good on stage! The fore-mentioned frontman is totally into his music, and they are really putting on a show.
Third of all, their songs are very catchy and danceable, which is good for a Saturday night gig, even if I thought at the time that they were not really outstanding. That being said, The Resin Rain, available on their MySpace, is really, really good.
And finally, I discovered that I used to work with the guitarist's brother. How small is London, really...
They're back in London in May, so I recommend checking them out. I wouldn't be surprised if these guys actually went somewhere...
"there was a good crown"
The queen was there? Um, I guess it was "crowd"...
woopsy ;-)
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