Saturday, March 10, 2007

KO Computer

I was supposed to post the review for the NIN gig yesterday, but my computer has died in-between. I am currently using a friend's laptop and its keyboard is deficient - you have no idea how much of a pain it is to write this....

Fucking technology...

I'll grab a computer at work next week and the review should be online shortly. And on monday I'm going to see Starsailor's singer play acousic, so plenty coming up!

PS: french keyboards suck!!!


Anonymous said...

I agree 100% for the keyboard!
And I am waiting for your version of you saving Wrath from the bad pogoteurs at NiN...
Good Luck for all of this, with the help of groovine of course ;)

Jooles said...

Yeah I had to kick a few punk's arses ;-)