Monday, February 19, 2007

Rock’n’Roll Idiot

Marilyn Manson has announced that he will be playing at Werchter festival, which is great news for me since I have never seen him live. I was told, though, that his latest tour was a far cry from the amazing performance of the “Guns, God and Government” DVD. We’ll see…

That reminds me of something peculiar with Manson: Ask the average person (that is, not old and/or religious) what they think of him, and you always get the same answer: “I don’t like his music, but I think he is a very intelligent man”.

The idea of Marilyn Manson being intelligent comes from the interview he gave in the movie “Bowling for Columbine”. I have seen this movie, and frankly all Manson says is that he’s not to blame for the Columbine massacre (You can watch the interview here). Which is fair play, but it’s not the most amazing piece of wisdom I’ve heard in my life either.

It seems that because he makes violent music, people always assume he is some kind of brain-dead crack-head that can only jump all over the stage and make ape screams in a microphone. Well, taa-daa! He can make sentences, too!

My opinion of Manson is: I like his music. Even though I have no doubt he is very clever, I have never seen any evidence either way. And couldn’t care less.

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