Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Koko Camden (1)

So, last night, Koko, Camden.

The evening started quite well with Action Plan, a decent band overall. I would say, half-way between Goth and punk, i.e. the energy of punk and the darkness of Goth.
For the first few songs that is, because after a while they kind of turned into more classic UK Indie, think Dirty Pretty Things, far less original and interesting.

I must say though that the simple but yet inventive drumming was really appreciable, and also the singer's high-pitched voice was excellent on the gloomier songs (my exact thought at the time was: that's what Justin Hawkins in rehab must sound like...), which clearly make them an above-than-average band.

Also, they will be playing another date in london on the 30th March, at The Good Ship (Never heard of...).

The rest of the night will follow shortly...

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